Sustainability Report 2010 Lek d.d.

32 Active Environmental Policy plants. Liquid nitrogen is primarily used for finalizing operations and inertization. It is not returned into the process. The increase in the mass flow recorded in 2010 was due to the lower production volume achieved the year before, particularly at the Ljubljana site. At the Menge‰ site, the major part of the flow of starting materials is accounted for by organic solvents and technological gas (liquid nitrogen). Multiple reuse of organic solvents is possible within the same production process, whereas the average share of recovered solvents accounts for about two thirds of total consumption at all the production Table 4: Annual mass flow of various materials used* by site (in t) 32 2006 t 5,389.85 2,171.19 6,538.87 792.62 14,892.52 2007 t 5,265.46 8,039.93 8,414.12 3,066.68 24,786.20 2008 t 6,102.20 8,432.80 10,642.35 3,514.66 28,692.02 2009 t 6,079.99 5,867.95 11,467.48 3,472.68 26,888.11 2010 t 6,455.76 8,436.04 14,403.98 3,513.38 32,809.12 Year Unit Lendava Ljubljana Prevalje Menge‰ Lek * Total quantity of materials purchased within the reporting period to ensure smooth progress of manufacturing process to the finished product phase (includ- ing packaging but exclusive of fuels, water and manufacturing equipment). 32 EMAS Core Indicator Table 5: Efficiency of various materials used* per unit of product by site 2006 t/t 44.0 0.9 18.2 1.1 4.2 2007 t/t 40.2 2.7 15.3 4.9 5.8 2008 t/t 44.6 2.7 17.5 4.6 6.2 2009 t/t 39.8 3.7 23.0 4.2 8.8 2010 t/t 37.2 2.0 29.2 4.0 5.6 Year Unit Lendava Ljubljana Prevalje Menge‰ Lek * Total quantity of materials purchased within the reporting period to ensure smooth progress of manufacturing process to the finished product phase (includ- ing packaging but exclusive of fuels, water and manufacturing equipment). 3.5 Replacing hazardous volatile organic compounds with less hazardous substances At Lek, a project of gradual replacement of hazardous VOCs with less hazardous substances in the tablet film-coating process has been successfully underway for several years now. The project was first launched at the Prevalje site where the use of methylene chloride in the tablet film-coating process for a broad-spectrum antibiotic, a combination of po- tassium clavulanate and amoxicillin, will be entirely replaced with ethanol by the end of 2011. Despite the fact that solvent replacement requires a regulatory approval, the process is running successfully. This good practice will also be applied at the Ljubljana site where activities to replace the ethanol production phase with the water phase on individual products are already underway. 3.6 Fire safety In the field of fire safety, three tactical fire drills were organ- ized in accordance with the Risk Portfolio. We checked the level of protection and rescue teams’ response, equipment availability, and their conduct in case of emergency. For all the employees we organized theoretical training programs and evacuation drills with real-life fire-extinguishing tests. At the Menge‰ site, an Open House Day was organized for all the local fire brigades, and a workshop on the fire-safety awareness raising for employees in their domestic environ- ment was held. At the Ljubljana and Menge‰ sites, we updated the fire re- porting and alerting systems, and upgraded the stable fire- fighting systems as part of our capital expenditure projects. In 2010, there were no major interventions. Efficiency of materials