Sustainability Report 2010 Lek d.d.

30 Active Environmental Policy Environmental accountability is an integral part of Lek busi- ness strategy. Numerous environmental protection activities are integrated into our operations, often exceeding legal re- quirements. Special emphasis is put on upgrading and im- proving existing measures, and introducing new ones. We promote effective and careful exploitation of natural resources, and, in particular, control over greenhouse gas emissions and energy efficiency. Our HSE policy is based on the achievement of measurable objectives. We implement global goals set by Novartis on the basis of Good Practice guidelines and the use of BAT. We identified water and energy use, VOC emissions, and environmental pollution with waste as being major potential sources of environmental impact. Through systemic long- term projects and measures such as the project of gradually replacing volatile organic compounds with less hazardous substances, or by recycling of raw materials, we significantly reduce potential risk of any type of environmental impact. The methods for potential risk identification, preventive measures and response in case of emergencies, and the process of analyzing any such event are defined in the fol- lowing documents: Novartis-Lek Emergency Management Manual, Concept of Environmental Risk Mitigation, Fire Safety Rules, and other. One of our major goals is limiting the use of raw materials and energy. Systematic and consistent monitoring of their realization is performed at the company and site level. 3.1 Established standards, and awards granted for accountable environment and natural resource management 30 ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and RCI The successfully completed audits in 2010 confirm that we operate in accordance with ISO 14001 Environmental Management Standard, OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Standard, and Responsible Care Initiative. Novartis Energy Excellence Award For the seventh year running, Novartis granted awards for projects aimed to improve energy efficiency (Energy Excel- lence Award), thereby realizing one of its major environmen- tal objectives pursued in all of its operations – reducing the use of energy and, consequently, cutting CO2 emissions. Out of a record 124 energy-saving projects and ideas, the expert panel selected 5 winners, and honored 11 projects with special awards for solution importance, quality or inno- vation. Among the special award winners was the project performed by a Lek team to improve energy efficiency of the cooling towers, the largest energy consumers of the Ljublja- na site. Despite the relatively small amount invested in the project (EUR 15,000), the savings made in the first year ex- ceeded EUR 90,000. 3. Active Environmental Policy The team rewarded for energy efficiency (from left to right): Luka U‰eniãnik, Metod Koncilija, Ale‰ Dolenc, Ivan Emil Hribar and Peter Toni. Award winners Marijan Resnik and JoÏe Stopar receiving congratulations from Hansjuerg Wetter, Head of API Unit. 30 Disclosure GRI 2.10 Awards for outstanding environmental management achievements at the Menge‰ site At the Menge‰ site, Novartis awards for special initiatives and outstanding achievements were presented. Awards were granted to two associates working in Environmental Management area. Marijan Resnik received an environmen- tal care management award, and JoÏe Stopar was granted a compliance award for the acquisition of IPPC permit.