Sustainability Report 2010 Lek d.d.

Lek Health, Safety and Environment Systems 28 the organization’s top management according to the EN ISO 14001:2004 system. For the year 2010, the Management Review was carried out in April 2011. In addition to the discussion of items of the above standard, special emphasis was placed on the pres- entation / provision of risk mitigation measures at individual sites. 2.10 Emergency preparedness For Lek d.d., emergency management is of great impor- tance. Emergencies include any physical and chemical in- cident, product-related emergencies, and any other critical situation that might adversely impact the company’s employ- ees, environment, assets and/or reputation. Whenever an emergency / incident occurs, an internal or- ganizational network of responsible and professional individ- uals assigned to study and monitor such events as well as to adopt remedial measures to be taken in emergency cases, is established by means of the NEM (Novartis Emergency Management) system. The basic purpose of NEM is to: • Establish an organizational network of responsible and professional individuals assigned to study and moni- tor emergency events / incidents and to take decisions with pre-determined roles and responsibilities; • Provide prompt access to professional and technical assistance; • Establish efficient internal and external communication; • Ensure continuity of business operations throughout the duration of an emergency event / incident. Prevention of major environmental accidents It is based on the environmental policy, Good Manufactur- ing Practice, fulfillment of all legal requirements for equip- ment and safe work, the use of the Best Available Technol- ogy (BAT), and on the level of employee qualification and awareness. Prevention of workplace accidents To enable prompt action and mitigation of accident and near- miss consequences, we established a system of immediate reporting and inclusion of authorized internal and external services such as a first-aid team, an occupational medicine specialist, and others. Extensive support is dedicated to pre- ventive activities such as walkthrough inspections, safety meetings, safety consultations, analyses of work-related accidents, communication and risk assessment. These are aimed to detect work-related accidents and occupational diseases, to prevent their occurrence, or reduce their influ- ence. All the levels of the organization are involved in these activities.