Sustainability Report 2010 Lek d.d.

25 Lek Health, Safety and Environment Systems Figure 1: HSE organization HSE Areas of expertise Areas of expertise Ionizing radiation safety Chemical safety Environmental protection Occupational medicine BCM* / NEM** Security Protection and rescue Occupational health and safety Fire safety Biological safety Transport of hazardous goods Explosion safety Energy management Development SCM Quality Support functions Quality Quality Biopharmaceuticals API development Linex Quality Packaging center Lendava wastewater treatment plant HSE Solids HSE Steriles Penicillins HSE API production HSE Antiinfectives HSE unit The HSE system has been applied to activities at all the Slovenian sites of Lek d.d.: Ljubljana, Verov‰kova 57, Menge‰, Kolodvorska 27, Prevalje, Perzonali 47, and Lendava, Trimlini 2d. The roles, responsibilities and authorizations in the area of HSE have been defined according to the company and function organizational structure. At multi-unit sites, activities are performed following the Host-Guest principle, whereby uniformity of HSE standards is ensured within each individual location. The same principle applies to all of our contracting partners. The largest unit having a suitable HSE organization in place is the Host which sets internal standards for individual sites that also apply to the Guests. By identifying HSE training needs and by organizing suitable training programs, we provide our employees with a level of HSE qualification sufficient for them to manage HSE aspects of their work. In cooperation with unit heads, the HSE unit prepares annual training plans and selects training topics for inclusion in the Training and Education Catalogue. Training programs are organized into the following clusters: induction courses, continuing education, and training for promotion. The formal organization of the HSE function should not pre- vent employees working in different roles, functions and units from interacting. For this purpose, the Re:act Initiative was launched, creating opportunities for the employees to pro- vide ideas, regardless of how insignificant they might appear at a first glance, to positively impact employee well-being, save valuable time and natural resources, and contribute to safety and quality. Each employee contributing an idea is awarded an attractive prize. 2.4 HSE research and development Extensive measures and activities bring results. A continu- ing process of recording and assessing workplace risk and stress levels, detailed analyses of work-related accidents and severe near-accidents as well as numerous endeavors to im- prove workplace behavior undoubtedly contributed to a rise in the level of safety culture and a reduction in the number of work-related accidents. This is reflected in the LTIR indicator value (Lost Time Injury and iIlness Rate; number of injuries suffered by Lek employees/ 200,000 worked hours) and in a reduced number of injuries among contracting providers and student workers. In order to curb the number of work-related accidents, near- misses and hazardous behavior cases, we continue activi- ties aimed at enhancing the company’s safety culture. Our process of investigating accidents and near-misses has been upgraded by the introduction of intensified, large-scale communication with regard to the underlying reasons and preventive measures to be implemented in similar working environments. In high-risk units, we continued walkthrough * BCM: Business Continuity Management ** NEM: Novartis Emergency Management