Sustainability Report 2010 Lek d.d.

Lek, a Sandoz Company – Company Identity Card 22 Absenteeism rate 22 At Lek d.d., the proportion of sickness absence in the 2010 period was 5.1%, compared to 4.5% in 2009. The rate is calculated on the basis of absence hours as follows: the to- tal number of lost working hours due to absenteeism in the period is divided by the organizational unit’s total number of working hours in the period. Absenteeism rate due to work-related injuries for contracting providers With the aim of enhancing safe behaviour also among con- tracting providers, we introduced close monitoring of the in- dicators for this group of associates in 2010. We recorded only 7 injury cases, mainly in construction and maintenance where the risk of accident is highest. Number of fatal accidents in contracting providers 23 In this group of associates, no accidents resulting in fatalities were recorded. Rate of occupational disease 24 In the process of detecting occupational illness, we closely cooperate with occupational medicine specialists, both in the field of risk assessment and workplace stress identification. No occupational illness has been identified and confirmed to date. 1.9 Responsibility for products and services 25 As a pharmaceutical company, Lek manufactures and sells active pharmaceutical ingredients and finished prescription and over-the-counter (non-prescription) medicines, provid- ing related information to the professional public through registration dossiers, and to the final consumer in the form of patient information leaflets. Communication of information related to pharmaceuticals is strictly regulated by the Medici- nal Products Act. With patient information leaflets, we openly and transpar- ently communicate all the relevant information regarding the safety and efficacy of medicinal products, as well as posol- ogy and administrative information. Pursuant to the Novartis Policy, we communicate every information supported by reasonable scientific evidence, particularly those related to safety such as contraindications, warnings, interactions etc. Similar practice applies to non-prescription drugs, where there is a growing need for clear and intelligible information. The scope of their application is increasing, while some of the more potent prescription drugs were switched to non- prescription status. Compliance with regulations concerning product information 26 In 2010, we received no penalty for non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning product and service information and labelling. Practices of measuring customer satisfaction 27 No measurements of customer (i.e. final buyer) satisfac- tion with prescription drugs are performed. Every two years, however, we measure the reputation of Lek Pharmaceuticals with the professional public (medical doctors and pharma- cists) which is also an indirect indicator of the professional public’s satisfaction with our services. In 2010, no survey of this type was carried out. Programs for adherence to laws, standards, and voluntary codes related to marketing communica- tions, including advertising, promotion, and spon- sorship 28 In the field of drug advertising, we act in accordance with the Rules on Advertising of Medicines (OG., RS 105/ 2008, 105/ 2010, consolidated text, effective from 8 January 2011) and with the internal Drug Advertising Policy. Conformity of conduct is verified on a daily basis by previous approval of all promotional activities. Adherence to laws, standards, and voluntary codes related to marketing communications, in- cluding advertising, promotion, and sponsorship 29 In the field of prescription drug promotion, no non-com- pliance cases were recorded in 2010. In the area of non- prescription drugs and food supplements, we received a warning with regard to one food supplement, which was duly noted and the necessary action was taken. Furthermore, a warning was issued for two non-prescription drugs where the advertising campaign was adjusted to the updated stand- ards and requirements. In corporate sponsorship, there were no non-compliance cases. There was no sponsorship involv- ing drug promotion. 22 GRI Indicator LA7 23 POR OI3 24 POR OI4, Indicator GRI LA7 25 Indicator GRI PR3 26 Indicator GRI PR4 27 Indicator GRI PR5 - partly 28 Indicator GRI PR6 29 Indicator GRI PR7