Sustainability Report 2010 Lek d.d.

17 Lek, a Sandoz Company – Company Identity Card 1.6 Lek’s responsibility in everyday operations For an active life of asthma patients As a partner of the Slovenian Asthma and Sports Associati- on, Lek provides children with education opportunities, enco- urages them to engage in sports, and offers them holidays at the seaside as well as indoor swimming. One event with an educational purpose is the Lek cycling marathon named “For Better Breathing”, in which for the fo- urth year running the members of Lek cycling team joined Marko Baloh, a Slovenian ultra marathon cyclist. In the overall campaign, special emphasis was put on the high incidence of asthma and allergies. The participants were en- couraged to engage in regular exercise and their attention was drawn to the impact of the increasing environmental pollution. Sweet-o-biking in the House of Experiments By simulating type-1 diabetes, a new experiment named Sweet-o-Bike is making visitors to the House of Experiments familiar with this disease, as well as health food principles and the obesity issue. A special day under the professional leadership of Karin Kanc, a diabetes specialist, was dedica- ted to raising awareness and acquiring knowledge about the disease. As a sponsor, Lek enabled participants to visit the House of Experiments for free. Lek Red Nose Family Days Lek Family Days are held at all sites across Slovenia to ena- ble families of Lek employees to get to know the workplaces and jobs of their close family members, as well as the signifi- cance of Lek as part of a global pharmaceutical company. To the great pleasure of all the children, the Red Nose Clown- doctors attended the Family Days. Lek has closely coopera- ted with them since they first appeared in Slovenia almost six year ago. Now, we support their worthy mission as a general sponsor. Knowing and adhering to the Novartis Code of Conduct We adhere to our Code of Ethics -- the Novartis Code of Conduct -- because we believe that continuous good perfor- mance is necessarily associated with ethical business. The Code of Conduct covers topics such as individual employee responsibilities, discrimination, conflict of interest, bribery, business gifts and entertainment, insider trading, restriction of competition, compliance with laws, and the use and pro- tection of the company’s assets and information. The No- vartis Code of Conduct is well known to all the employees, and its individual sections are dealt with in regular employee e-training programs. In 2010, Novartis organized e-training on compliance for the majority of its employees, mostly related to the Code of Con- duct, conflict of interest, quality performance management, and Good Promotional Practices. Online training has beco- me a must and forms part of our everyday working activiti- es. Novartis expects its employees in each of the countries where it operates to successfully complete at least 90% of the training programs. In Slovenia, a total of 4,112 employe- es were invited to take part in e-training, meaning that each may have completed several courses on compliance. The completion rate exceeded Sandoz’s 90% target.